Electric Fireplace Inserts
What Is an Electric Fireplace Insert?
An electric fireplace insert fits into an existing fireplace. The insert plugs into a standard outlet to produce a flame that appears realistic.
The electric fireplace insert does not produce an actual fire. However, some models do produce heat. These models work like a space heater to give off heat and warm the room. Although, some electric fireplace inserts only give the appearance of a fire for design purposes.

Benefits of Electric Fireplace Inserts
Electric fireplaces are a great alternative to a traditional fireplace. If you want the design appeal of a fireplace without the work, consider an electric fireplace insert.
Easier installation
Low maintenance
Lower cost
Energy efficient
Variety of styles
Safe and easy to use
How Long Does an Electric Fireplace Insert Last?
Electric fireplace inserts have long lifespans. They do not experience the same level of wear and tear as a wood-burning fireplace. Plus, creosote doesn’t build up.
An electric fireplace insert can last for decades if well maintained. To achieve this longevity, select a trusted brand and schedule a professional installation.
Do Electric Fireplace Inserts Need a Vent?
No. This is one reason installation and maintenance are easier for electric fireplace inserts. This type of fireplace does not produce fumes that require venting.
The lack of fumes also makes electric fireplaces an environmentally-friendly option and extremely safe.
Denver’s Trusted Fireplace Experts
If you want to upgrade your non-functional fireplace or transition from a wood-burning fireplace, an electric fireplace insert offers a great option. You get the look and feel of a fireplace without the hassle.
Visit our showroom in Golden to see a selection of electric fireplace inserts. Our friendly staff is happy to answer your questions and help you make an informed and confident decision.
Goodrich Chimney offers installation and repair for electric fireplace inserts.
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